Important Disclosures: All information contained herein is for informational purposes only and provides a way for individuals to contact Pecaut Wealth Management (“Pecaut”). The information presented through the website does not constitute a solicitation or offer to sell securities or investment advisory services. Pecaut is a Registered Investment Advisor and may only transact business in those states in which it is registered, or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements.
No information accessed through the Pecaut website constitutes investment, financial, legal, tax or other advice nor is to be relied on in making an investment or other decision. Pecaut’s specific advice is given only within the context of our contractual agreements with each client. The information in this website is based on data gathered from sources which we believe to be reliable. It is not guaranteed as to accuracy, does not purport to be complete and is not intended as the primary basis for investment decisions. Individuals that access certain links on the Pecaut website may leave the Pecaut website. Pecaut does not endorse the content of such websites nor the products, services or other items offered through such websites. Any links to other sites are not intended as referrals or endorsements, but are merely provided to individuals for convenience and informational purposes. Furthermore, the information resulting from the use of tools or information through this website should not be construed, in any manner whatsoever, as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized individual advice from an advisor.
Any mention of past performance may not be indicative of future results. Therefore, no current or prospective client should assume that future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy (including the investments and/or investment strategies recommended or undertaken by Pecaut) or product to which direct or indirect reference is made by Pecaut in its website, or indirectly via a link to an unaffiliated third party website, will be profitable or equal the corresponding indicated performance level(s). Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will either be suitable or profitable for a client or prospective client’s investment portfolio.