Planning-Based Portfolios

Think About The Way You Invest
Planning-Based Portfolios

Your plan dictates what your portfolio should look like, not the other way around. Money is a tool, not an end. How can we use that tool to help you achieve your goals in life? Your investment portfolio will be constructed to support your plan and, by extension, your life goals. The best benchmark for your portfolio is how well it is meeting the needs of your plan.
Every client will have their own personal risk tolerance. Markets fluctuate. In 2020, stock markets declined more than 30%. That translates into a $300,000 decline on a $1,000,000 portfolio. Not every investor is comfortable with that kind of swing in their investments. Portfolios are designed to have an appropriate amount of risk and volatility that matches your tolerance.
Depending on the stage of your life or situation, you may be saving and adding to your investments over time, or you may be spending and supporting your living with withdrawals from your portfolio. We design portfolios tailored to your needs.

Our Approach

We take the time to understand your needs, wants and wishes.

Money is a tool. We will develop a plan for you and show you what you can accomplish with this tool. We are passionate about educating our clients about all financial related matters.

Once we have an understanding of your goals and how to accomplish them, we will implement the recommended strategy.


We take the time to understand your needs, wants and wishes.


Money is a tool. We will develop a plan for you and show you what you can accomplish with this tool. We are passionate about educating our clients about all financial related matters.


Once we have an understanding of your goals and how to accomplish them, we will implement the recommended strategy.